October 17, 2016

Rendering for a new public art project called "We Are Los Angeles" commissioned by the CCF

Please excuse the long absence... It's been quite a few months since I got it in my head that it was time to move Kiss of the World to the squarespacewixosphere. Having had so much fun designing & building several websites (gawdaffulnationaltheater.com / readerschorus.com  / ursulabrookbankstudio.com), it seemed the right, most current thing to do. 4 months later, kissoftheworld.net became one of those sites that left you wondering if the owner had called it quits. I had not called it quits, but the thought that I should probably move everything over to 'squarewixlandia' had obviously been trumped by my true inner feeling of not wanting to change the site at all. This zine-like lo-fi format really works for me. And so it leads me to think, despite all marketing rules and best practices, that perhaps my favorite quote about cameras can be applied to websites too:

The best website is the one you have.
