I must say....Yesterday I finished installing a new work called "OH...dinosaur" at the Torrance Art Museum. The title is an ode to what some call the shortest novel in the world by Augusto Monterrosso; just one line- Cuando despertó el dinosaurio todavía estaba allí. (When she awoke, the dinosaur was still there.) I came across this novel back in my grad school days..almost 10 years ago, and have always cherished that moment of realization that the words speak to. It's great to finally make something that references it!! The letters are made up of a bunch of video stills. This is my second time in 3 years to make a work with video stills and it finally dawned upon me the other day why I appreciate that mode of working. Please stay tuned for thoughts and revelations...
The work is part of a group exhibition called Baker's Dozen IV. 13 curators nominate 13 artists. Thank you to Irene Tsatsos of the Armory Center for the Arts, Pasadena for the nomination and to Max Presneill and Jason Ramos at the Torrance Art Museum. See you tomorrow!